Site icon Action for Life Skills and Values in East Africa – ALiVE

Learning Hub

Learning Hub

The Learning Hub aims to promote the adoption of the learning approach within the organizations in ALiVE and RELI, sustain the community of learning on core competences in East Africa, and collate and curate evidence on life skills and values from internal and external sources, packaging them for internal and external learning.

The Learning Hub aims to promote the adoption of this learning approach within the organizations in ALiVE and RELI, sustain the community of learning on these competences in East Africa, and collate and curate evidence on life skills and values from internal and external sources, packaging these for internal and external learning.

The learning hub tests and pilot tools and innovations developed by the ALiVE program to generate evidence that can be used to increase uptake of the tools and innovations within the education systems of the three East African countries of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda

The AliVE Learning Hub has also created a collaborative Learning Framework/approach centered on a learning cycle (involving questioning, reflection, gathering perspectives, and adapting work) and a learning system (including culture, tools, roles, and decision-making processes).It seeks to document and reflect on program activities to strengthen ALiVE program outcomes, enhance personal and organizational growth, and leverage collaborative learning to inform policy and public accountability.

Why the Collaborative learning Framework/approach?

The Formative Learning Framework is meant to support ALiVE and the three pilot organizations (Luigi, Uwezo, and Zizi to center learning at the heart of their interventions in a structured manner, enabling us to achieve three core aims;

  1. Strengthen and adapt our work across the pillars of ALiVE through evidence-based decision-making.
  2. Support the development of a learning culture within ALiVE and its implementing partner organizations.
  3. Share our findings with other organizations in the same field locally and regionally.

The Structure of the Learning Framework

The Learning framework comprises two main components: The Learning Culture and the Learning System.

The Learning Culture involves creating a collaborative environment where we collectively reflect  and document our learning experiences. starts with an Organizational Learning Capability Assessment (OLCA). The OLCA is a facilitated self-assessment of an organization’s capacity followed by action planning for capacity improvement. The OLCA is then followed by a sequence of five (5) regular and cyclic activities that are referred to as the Learning cycle:

  1. (re)Defining learning questions based on the ALiVE/organizational theory of change,
  2. Gather reflections from ALiVE/organizational teams based on customized survey-based tools,
  3. Seek diverse perspectives from those involved in ALiVE/organizational work, such as policymakers, teachers, communities, and adolescents,
  4. Make decisions based on this learning to inform program adaptation at different levels of program implementation and regular documentation and dissemination of what is being learned to support other organizations doing similar work through learning briefs
  5. Regular documentation and dissemination of what is being learned to support other organizations doing similar work through learning briefs

The Learning Management system: The learning system is the set of structures, tools, and processes that allow us to deliver on the learning cycle. It clarifies the practicalities of structured, genuine, and more organic learning processes. The learning system comprises six main elements for documenting and using learning. These include;

  1. Roles and responsibilities for learning
  2. Learning Work-plan
  3. Learning management system and tools for capturing and documenting learning.
  4. Decision-making protocol. we cannot act on all that we learn. How we take action should be informed by an assessment of the risk, the imperative and the evidence.
  5. Dissemination. Our learning should be able to inform both internal and external conversations on assessing life skills and values and/or our organizational programs

Currently, there are a set of tools developed by the learning hub to facilitate learning within ALiVE. These include: 

1.  ALiVE Activity Tracker

2. Workshop/Writeshop/Learnshop

3. High Level Meetings/Conferences

4. Self Reflection

5. Daily Learning Log


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