Unlocking the power of values and life skills in context: VaLI-A Conference Report
The Conference highlighted the need to establish a contextual understanding of life skills education in the varied contexts. The database will exhibit robust evidence and provide an avenue to learn about the best practices on nurturing life skills and values, and where the adapt/adopt the ALIVE tools for assessment of life skills and values will be stored. It will also help the various institutions to engage in what is already going on. In the database there will be documented success stories on curriculum implementation within the classroom and how this is translating into acquisition of actual skills among the learners.
The curricular used by different training institutions do not adequately incorporate life skills assessment and methodologies. Further, the in-service teachers do not have a common understanding of values and Life skills. It is recommended that the teacher education curriculum should include the concept and practices and how to contextualize and nurture them. It is recommended that there is a need to develop materials to support the retooling of all teachers across the country. Develop a module for teacher training that integrates pedagogical practices and methodologies for assessing and nurturing life skills and values.

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